Call for abstracts - Late-breaking submissions are open!

4 years ago

Call for abstracts - Late-breaking submissions are open! You can still submit your abstract for a poster presentation!

Call for abstracts - Late-breaking submissions are open!

We are pleased to invite you to submit your abstract for a poster presentation to the 5th Milan Polymer Days International Congress (MIPOL2021).

The program of the oral presentation is complete and the related call for abstracts closed.

However, this year we have received many requests for poster communications and, thanks to the virtual nature of the MIPOL2021 edition, we have organized them in parallel sessions and allowed presenters to make a short communication followed by public discussion.

Due to the high number of subscriptions, we decided to open again the call for submitting abstracts for poster communications. The new submission deadline is July 5th.

What are the good reasons for a young scientist to submit an abstract?

  1. Get your abstract published in the 5th Milan Polymer Days International Congress Proceedings.
  2. Be part of a leading multi- and interdisciplinary international congress on polymer science and technology. MIPOL2021 welcome contributions from 10 different countries!
  3. Benefit from attending keynotes and invited lectures on exciting topics, including nanomedicine; bioactive polymers and composites; molecular modeling; sustainable chemistry; eco-friendly materials; bioplastics; complex molecular architectures; polymers and environment: recycling and nanoplastics pollution; synthesis of polymers; polymer processing/physical properties of polymers; polymer characterization.
  4. Earn international recognition for the work you do.
  5. Boost your career while participating in the Young Scientist Best Poster Award competition.
  6. Receive the feedback that helps you progress.
  7. Make the connections you need with an international group of smart enthusiastic young scientists.

In brief!

  1. Late-breaking poster submissions deadline: July 5th, 2021
  2. Notification of acceptance to authors (Late-breaking submissions): immediate!
  3. Conference Dates July 6th - July 8th.
  4. We accept contributions in all topics related to polymer science and technology.
  5. Before submitting your abstract, please read the instruction on the “Call for abstracts” webpage.

Last but not least, we thank all sponsors that contribute to make the Milan Polymer Days congress a reality.

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