The Milan Polymer Days Organizing Committee is committed to highlighting outstanding individual performance for the scientific works of Young Scientists by promoting awards dedicated to specific categories.
These competitions represent an exciting opportunity for early-stage researchers to present their projects to a wide international audience and to interact with them. Being involved at this level may represent an important step in their professional growth, by helping to improve their communication skills and create a professional network.
The Best Poster Award is dedicated to Ph.D. students and post-doc fellows aged 32 or younger. Young Scientists who present a poster communication at the Milan Polymer Days annual meeting can apply to the competition.
The Best Oral Presentation Award is dedicated to Ph.D. students and post-doc fellows aged 32 or younger, who participate in the MIPOL YOUNG symposium.
The Mario Malinconico Prize (Premio Mario Malinconico) is awarded annually to graduate students aged 29 or younger, who have defended a master’s thesis in the field of polymers in Italian universities. The winner is invited to present his/her research work in front of the audience at the Milan Polymer Days annual meeting.