Milan Polymer Days 2025

MIPOL2025 Congress News 9th Edition of the Milan Polymer Days International Congress
Summertime - Milan: join us in the annual event on innovation in polymer science and technology!
Welcome to MIPOL2025
Welcome to the homepage of the 8th Milan Polymer Days International Congress. MIPOL2024 will be held from 18th to 20 th June 2025 at the Auditorium of the University of Milan, in the very heart of Milan. As in previous congress editions, for a few days, the Milan Polymer Days Congress will bring together internationally renowned scientists from the most diverse backgrounds, both academic and industrial, and create a forum that allows them to communicate scientific innovation in all sectors of polymer science and technology.
Scientific highlights
Every congress day will begin with a keynote lecture in which world-renowned experts in their respective fields feature cutting-edge research. Keynotes will be followed by state-of-the-art lectures given by distinguished scientists, most upon invitation, on selected topics. In this congress edition, we are receiving interesting abstracts dealing with bioactive polymers, polymeric nanocomposites, conducting polymers, biorefinery, sustainable polymers, polymeric flame retardants, polymer processing, mechanical and thermal characterization of polymers, synthesis of complex macromolecular architectures, eco-compatibility of polymers.
What about poster communications?
The poster sessions will take place during lunchtime on the 1st and 2nd congress days - June 18th and 19th. Young Scientists are eligible to participate in the Best Poster Award competition dedicated to them. We encourage our young collaborators not to miss this opportunity.
What's new this year: the MIPOL YOUNG symposium
On the 2nd congress day - June 19th -, a large room will be given to our younger colleagues. A rich afternoon program has been designed to satisfy the requests of participation of Young Scientists, who are just starting their career. Two full sessions dedicated to short oral communications by Young Scientists will give them a unique opportunity to interact with an international audience. Networking activities will be encouraged, and information will be disseminated on scholarships and training programs, internships, and much more. The best oral communication by Young Scientists will be awarded with a special prize.
Awards and prizes
To enhance the activity of our younger colleagues and boost their careers, we have organized a rich program of recognition and prizes dedicated to them, including:
The Best Poster Award competition is open to Young Scientists who submit their application. The Best Oral Presentation Award is dedicated to participants of the MIPOL Young symposium. The winner of the 4th edition of the Mario Malinconico Prize for the best master's degree thesis in polymer science will be celebrated. The winners of these three awards will be announced and celebrated after the end of the oral sessions. Follow the news!
The congress program will be constantly updated. Therefore, stay up-to-date with the latest information on this webpage! You can find here complete information on how to attend the MIPOL2024 congress and participate in the Young Scientist competitions or maybe simply on how to get involved in our social activities. For any queries, do not hesitate to mail us at We look forward to welcoming you in person in Milan and sharing with you this exciting experience.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Elisabetta Ranucci & Jenny Alongi Congress Chairs
Congress Chairs
Scientific Committee
Organizing Committee
Keynote Speakers
Invited Speakers
Poster Presenters
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